November is poppy month, the time of the year when we wear ared poppy in memory of those who laid
down their lives for our sakes
As Remembrance Sunday approaches, to pay tribute to our brave soldiers and those they’ve left behind, Total-e-Bound release our tribute anthology.
Total-e-bound wanted to do something to show our own real brave warriors—who fight to defend us and their countries every day—just how much their bravery means to us.
Being an ex-army wife myself, and having been brought up with the forces as a child, I know what it’s like for the families when the soldiers go off to war. The pain, emotion and worry those families endure, never knowing if their loved ones will come home.
I also know of their strength and courage in the face of adversity, and I know just how much the forces wives band together to create a solid and structured support network for each other, the likes of which you just don’t get in civilian life. But for sadly far too many, the pain and hardship goes on way beyond the scope of support networks and memorial parades, news reports and flag waving. As the years pass and the world moves on—news reports become historical texts. Memories fade for many but for some the pain is silent and deep, very real and enduring.
A forces life is not an easy one for the families waiting back home, but they are the backbone—the glue that holds it all together.
So for this anthology, we wanted to give something back. Give something to the wives and families who endure and who have loved and lost.
Total-e-Bound’s profits from this anthology will be going to Forces Benevolent Funds to support and help those families who have lost their husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, in the recent conflicts.
Remember to wear your poppy with pride.
Claire Siemaszkiewicz
Managing Director
Total-e-Bound Publishing
Our authors involved in this anthology would also like to say a few words as to why they decided to get involved in this project:
The opportunity to partner with Total-e-Bound for such a wonderful cause was a chance I didn’t wish to miss. While I am an author, first and foremost I am a Navy wife so if there was a way my writing could help families who have lost loved ones during these current conflicts, I knew I had to give it a shot. Military families are very often overlooked and I thank TEB for doing such a charity and allowing me to be a part of it.
~Aliyah Burke
I chose to participate in the Camouflaged Hearts anthology primarily due to the energy that evolved around the discussions and emails concerning this project. It just seemed right and meaningful. When I began the story, it took on its own voice and I loved writing about Emmy's journey. I hope you all enjoy!
~Jennah Sharpe
I have several family members who have served in the military, and I’ve seen first-hand, the struggles that military families endure as their soldiers are deployed. Participating in this anthology felt like tangible way to help in a situation where I’ve often felt helpless. In addition, I’ve also seen how love can flourish during these times, and I wanted to show that it’s possible for something beautiful to arise from the horror of war.
~Bronwyn Green
I was thrilled by the opportunity to participate in the Camouflaged Heart anthology from Total-e-Bound. What a magnificent idea for a publisher to donate their profits to charity...and I wondered, how could I do less?
My daughter, you see, fell in love with a soldier. It was a wild, thrill of a ride, heightened by the realization he would be deploying to Iraq within weeks of their meeting.
When he returned safely, they married, a fairytale event in a local park, a hurried event before their move to Texas.
We're among the lucky. CJ has, thankfully, been safe. But as we know, a great number of his comrades have not been.
Whit and my beautiful grandbaby live with the knowledge that time is precious, that every moment with CJ is to be cherished.
I've seen amazing bravery as they each watch the calendar tick toward the date of the next deployment.
In honor of the brave service people throughout the world, I am proud to donate every penny of my earnings to charity, as well.
~SL Majors
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